
Hello there!  Reading the bible is a way to know Lord God’s law and the teachings of Jesus Christ.  The purpose of a Christian life is to worship God and work for the salvation of souls, continuing the work of Christ.

Give eternal glory to God.
Glorify the Lord by your lives.

Bible Verses

Matthew 4:4  (RSVCE)

But he answered, “It is written,

‘Man shall not live by bread alone,
but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’”


This is a website to remind us to give glory to God in all we do. Bringing the Good News of the Gospel to others.

In our hearts desire, in our thought, our words, our deeds, and work, we render these as an offering to glorify the Lord in thanksgiving and humility.

Remember that God does His works to reveal His Glory.

May His blessing be upon us always.



The contact us form will be here soon.